Originally released in 1984 to coincide with the Los Angeles Olympics, the adidas Originals Micropacer quickly became an icon thanks to its unique combination of streamlined design and technical gadgetry.
The sneaker featured a metallic silver sheen and a microprocessor that tracked the wearer’s distance travelled and even, to some extent, calories burned for a futuristic take on running.
The products in the archive section may in some cases have been on the market for several years. Therefore it is sold as a collector's item and not as a traditional garment. If you decide to use the product while wearing it, you may experience damage due to the deterioration of substances such as adhesives or materials derived from rubber. The box and the packaging in general may show signs of wear and tear due to deterioration. Returns will not be authorized for products used even once. The product is photographed in all its details before leaving our warehouse to ensure its factory condition.
* every customer that wants to return or cancel a completed order will be charged a 15% operating expense, shipping cost included.